In the Matter of a Complaint by                        FINAL DECISION


Anthony J. Delano and Citizens for Responsible Government




            against              Docket #FIC 89-25


Easton Superintendent of Schools and Easton Board of Education


                        Respondents                 January 10, 1990


            The above-captioned matter was heard as a contested case on March 17, 1989, at which time the complainants and the respondents appeared, stipulated to certain facts and presented testimony, exhibits and argument on the complaint.  Pursuant to 1-21i(b), G.S., the following teachers employed by the respondent board were permitted to intervene as parties: Faylynn Haight, Sharon Woolf, Holly Messer, Douglas Oster, and Barbara Bayers (hereinafter collectively designated "respondent teachers").


            At the March 17, 1989 hearing, the respondents offered the records at issue for in camera inspection.  Thereafter, in lieu of an in camera inspection, the hearing officer ordered that the respondent superintendent provide the Commission and the complainants with a copy of the records at issue.  The Hearing Officer further ordered that each item of information claimed to be exempt from disclosure be redacted from the copies so provided and with respect to each such item the respondent superintendent was ordered to provide a characterization of the information so redacted and the statutory basis for each claimed exemption (hereinafter "Vaughn index").


            Thereafter the case was continued to May 22, 1989 for the presentation by the respondent superintendent of a Vaughn-type index.  At that time the parties appeared and presented evidence and argument on the complaint.


            Subsequently, on September 19, 1989, the hearing officer ordered the respondents to submit for in-camera inspection the following documents identified by Vaughn-Index record numbers: 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 57, 58, 62, 63.


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            The document cross-reference numbers are as follows:


Vaughn Index #; In Camera document #;  document description

3               000001A (sides 1&2)    cert. of previous experience

4               -2A (sides 1&2)        cert. of previous experience

8                            -3A, -4A, -5A, -6A

                              -7A, -8A               6-page handwritten essay

9                            -9A                   evaluation of performance

11                          -10A                 evaluation of performance

12                          -11A                 evaluation of performance

14                          -12A                 evaluation of performance

17                          -13A                 evaluation of performance

18                          -14A                 evaluation of performance

19                          -15A                 evaluation of performance

20                          -16A                 notification of tenure

22                          -17A                 evaluation of performance

23                          -18A                 evaluation of performance

24                          -19A                 evaluation of performance

25                          -20A                 evaluation of performance

26                          -21A                 evaluation of performance

27                          -22A                 notification of tenure

28                          -23A                 notification of workshop


30                          -24A                        1-page typed essay

33                          -25A                        letter of reference by

                                                    school psychologist

41                          -26A, -27A, -28A,

                              -29A, -30A                          5-page handwritten essay

44                          -31A, -32A                          2-page certification of

                                                    previous experience

45                          -33A, -34A                          2-page certification of

                                                    previous experience

46                          -35A, -36A                          2-page certification of

                                                    previous experience

47                          -37A, -38A                          2-page certification of

                                                    previous experience

48                          -39A                        evaluation of performance

49                          -40A                        evaluation of performance

50                          -41A                        evaluation of performance

52                          -42A, -43A, -44A,

                              -45A, -46A                          5-page handwritten essay

57                          -47A                        superintendent memo. re:

                                                    staff changes

58                          -48A(sides 1&2)                  2-sided handwritten essay

62                          -49A                        superintendent memo. re:

                                                    staff changes

63                          -50A, -51A                          2-page certification of

                                                    previous experience


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            After consideration of the entire record, the following facts are found and conclusions of law are reached:


            1.  The respondent superintendent and board of education are public agencies within the meaning of 1-18a(a), G.S.


            2.  By letter dated January 16, 1989 to the respondent board, the complainants requested access to all documents, including but not limited to academic records, transcripts, written statements and job resumes, submitted to and reviewed by the respondent board as part of the application for employment for each newly hired teacher for the academic year 1988-1989 at the Helen Keller and Staples Schools.


            3.  The respondent board provided the complainants with the following information pertaining to all teachers for whom the complainants requested information: names, present/permanent addresses, dates of all high schools and colleges attended and degrees received there, military experience, extracurricular activities, and state certifications.


            4.  By letter of complaint filed with the Commission on January 25, 1989, the complainants appealed the failure of the respondents to comply fully with their request.


            5.  In addition to the information already provided, the complainants seek disclosure of the following documented information submitted to the respondent board for consideration in hiring the above-referenced teachers:


            a.  salaries in previous jobs;

            b.  minimum salaries requested;

            c.  personal essays;

            d.  college and graduate school transcripts;

            e.  identity of personal or professional references;

            f.  letters of reference; and

            g.  reason(s) for terminating prior job(s).


            6.  The complainants additionally seek either copies of the resumes submitted to the respondent board by unsuccessful teacher applicants, or a statement of the number of unsuccessful teacher applicants to the Helen Keller and Staples Schools for the 1988-1989 school year.


            7.  It is found that items 5a, 5b, 5e, and 5g, above, are recorded on the teacher application form used by the respondent board.


            8.  It is found that items 5c, 5d, and 5f consist of separate documents submitted to the respondent board in addition to the teacher application form.


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            9.  With respect to paragraphs 5a and 5b, above, it is found that salary history and requested minimum salary information was supplied to the board by the respondent teachers for use by the board in determining the salary to be set by the board for each successful applicant.


            10.  With respect to paragraph 5c, above, it is found that the respondent board requires submission of a 1,000 word original essay explaining why the applicant entered the teaching profession and what unique qualities or talents that person has to offer the school system.


            11.  It is found that the essay contents are within the sole discretion of the applicant, and that the applicant offers this essay to promote his or her opportunity to be hired as a public school teacher by the respondent board.


            12.  It is found that in addition to information pertaining to the applicants' teaching and/or professional experiences, portions of the essays contain references to private third-party individuals, religious affiliation, family financial status, ancestry and national origin, medical conditions and political party affiliation.


            13.  With respect to paragraph 5d, above, it is found that some of the college and graduate school transcripts in issue contain a notation indicating to whom the transcript has been released on previous occasion(s).


            14.  With respect to paragraph 5g, above, it is found that responses exist with respect to only four of the five respondent teachers.


            15.  With respect to paragraph 5g, above, it is also found that all references pertain to salary and/or career aspirations and specifically do not refer to health, performance-related releases from any school system or individual student-applicant relationship references.  There is, however, one reference to a non-performance related termination from a school system and one reference to an applicant's family.


            16.  It is found that the records referenced in paragraphs 5, 6, 7, and 8, above, are public records within the meaning of 1-18a(d), G.S.


            17.  The respondents claim that the records at issue are exempt from disclosure under 1-19(b)(2), G.S. 


            18.  It is found that the requested records are part of personnel or medical and similar files within the meaning of 1-19(b)(2), G.S.


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            19.  The Commission notes that public school teachers serve an important function in our society.  They are charged with not only educating children but they are also responsible for the safety and welfare of the children in their care.


            20.  The Commission notes that public school teachers are delegated broad discretion in carrying out their responsibilities.


            21.  The Commission notes that public school education in Connecticut commands a significant portion of public funds and is the subject of great and legitimate public interest.


            22.  The Commission further notes that by virtue of the foregoing, there continues to be a reasonable and legitimate public interest in the compensation, qualifications and competency of public school teachers.

            23.  With respect to the information set forth in paragraphs 5a, 5b, and 5e, above, the Commission therefore finds that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests of the respondent teachers in avoiding disclosure.


            24.  With respect to the information set forth in paragraph 5c, above, it is found that the personal privacy interests of the respondent teachers and third parties outweigh the competing public interest in disclosure of those portions of the personal essays containing certain names of private third-party individuals and certain information concerning religious affiliation, family financial status, ancestry and national origin, political party affiliation and medical conditions unrelated to job performance.  This information exempt pursuant to 1-19(b)(2), G.S. is contained at the following reference lines.  Vaughn Index #8/in camera document #-3A: 4th word from left on line 3; 2nd and 3rd words on line 5; 2nd word on line 10, 3rd and 4th words on line 12; lines 16 through 20. #8/-4A: lines 1 through 2; 5th word from left on line 5; 2nd word from left on line 6; 1st word of line 7; all of line 9 excepting 1st two words; 3rd word on line 10. #8/-5A: lines 15 through 22. #8/-6A: lines 14 through 15. #8/-7A: line 13 excepting the first word, lines 14 and 15. #30/-24A: third word from left on line 7; and portion of lines 33 and 34 containing proper name of third party. #41/-26A: paragraphs 2 and 3. #41/-27A: lines 1 through 3, sixth word from left on line 7.  #52/-44A: line 27. #52/-45A: first five words of line 9, second through seventh words from the left on line 10.


            25.  With respect to the remainder of the information set forth in paragraph 5c, above, the Commission finds that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests in avoiding disclosure.


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            26.  With respect to the information set forth in paragraph 5d, above, it is found that the personal privacy interests of the respondent teachers and third parties outweigh the competing public interest in disclosure of those portions of the college and graduate school transcripts that contain notations indicating to whom the transcripts have been released on previous occasion(s).


            27.  With respect to the remainder of the information set forth in paragraph 5d, above, the Commission finds that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests in avoiding disclosure.


            28.  With respect to the information set forth in paragraph 5e, above, the Commission finds that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests in avoiding disclosure.


            29.  It is found that the following document items consisting of grade point averages, courses taken and grades received and class rank consist of the type of information commonly found in transcripts: Vaughn Index document item #s: 35G, 35I, 40C, 53D, 54D, 55E, 60D, 60E, 60H, 61C and 61E.


            30.  With respect to the information referred to in paragraph 29, above, it is found that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests in avoiding disclosure.


            31.  With respect to the information set forth in paragraph 5f, above, the Commission finds that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests in avoiding disclosure.


            32.  With respect to the information set forth in paragraphs 5g and 14, above, it is found that the personal privacy interests of that respondent teacher whose family is mentioned in response to reason(s) for termination, and his or her family, outweigh the competing public interest in disclosure of those portions of the responses relating to his or her family.


            33.  With respect to the remainder of the information set forth in paragraphs 5g and 14, above, the Commission finds that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests in avoiding disclosure.


            34.  With respect to the information set forth in paragraph 6, above, it is found that the personal privacy interests of unsuccessful teacher applicants outweigh the competing public interest in disclosure of those portions of their resumes that disclose their identities.


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            35.  With respect to the remainder of the information set forth in paragraph 6, above, the Commission finds that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests in avoiding disclosure.


            36.  With respect to those resumes submitted by the respondent teachers, it is found that the personal privacy interests of the respondent teachers outweigh the competing public interest in disclosure of those portions that disclose marital status and number of children as well as some other information that is not sought by the complainants.


            37.  With respect to the remainder of the information set forth in the resumes of the respondent teachers, the Commission finds that the public interest in disclosure clearly outweighs the competing personal privacy interests in avoiding disclosure.


            38.  The respondents contend that the respondent superintendent and board of education assured the respondent teachers that the records at issue would be kept confidential and that the respondent teachers therefore had a reasonable expectation that such records would be kept confidential.


            39.  Although an assurance and expectation of confidentiality are factors to be considered in determining the applicablilty of 1-19(b)(2), G.S., in this case the Commission finds that they are insufficient to supersede the competing public interest in disclosure of those records, and portions of records, that have been found to outweigh the privacy interests of the respondent teachers, as set forth above.


            40.  The respondents claim that the information set forth in paragraphs 5a and 5b, above, is exempt from disclosure pursuant to 1-19(b)(1), G.S.


            41.  For the reasons set forth in paragraph 9, above, it is found that the information set forth in paragraphs 5a and 5b, above, does not constitute a preliminary draft or note pursuant to 1-19(b)(1), G.S., and disclosure is otherwise required pursuant to 1-19(c), G.S.


            42.  The respondents also argue that 20 U.S.C. 1232(g) provides an exemption for disclosure of records described in paragraph 5d, above.


            43.  It is found that 20 U.S.C. 1232(g) does not prohibit disclosure by an educational institution of the educational records of its students, but rather it constitutes a pre-condition for the granting of federal funds and therefore does not supersede the disclosure provisions of 1-19(a), G.S.


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            44.  It is also found that the respondent teachers do not fall within that class of people for whose benefit 20 U.S.C. 1232(g) was created because they are not students of the educational agency requested to disclose the records described in paragraph 5d, above, and their college and graduate school transcripts are therefore not educational records of that agency.


            45.  It is found that the following items identified by (Vaughn Index #/in camera document #) constitute records of teacher performance or evaluation and are therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to 10-151c, G.S.:  9/-9A (lines 1-3 and first 8 words of line 4 of the first paragraph, last 4 words of line six of the first paragraph, all 8 lines of the second paragraph); 11/-10A (entire first paragraph, 5th word from the left of the first line of the second paragraph, 4th word from the left of the second line of the second paragraph, lines 4-13 of the second paragraph, the entire third paragraph); 12/-11A (entire second, third and fourth paragraphs); 14/-12A (entire second and third paragraphs); 17/-13A (entire second and third paragraphs); 18/-14A (first and second paragraph, and the one word following the second paragraph); 19/-15A (1st, 2nd and 4th sentences of the second paragraph); 22/-17A (first, second, third, fourth and fifth paragraphs); 23/-18A (first, second, third and fourth paragraphs); 24/-19A (8th, 19th and 20th words of first sentence, and entire 2nd, 3rd and 4th sentences); 25/-20A (first four paragraphs); 26/-21A (first three paragraphs); 48/-39A (first, second and third paragraphs); 49/-40A (first, second, third and fourth paragraphs); 50/-41A (first, second, third and fourth paragraphs).  The following portions of documents are likewise exempted as teacher performance or evaluation records: 3/-1A side 2 line 13, 4/-2A side 2 line 13, 44/-32A line 13 and 63/-51A line 13.  Because 45/-34A and 46/-36A contain no notations concerning the applicants' performance on line 13, no redactions thereon are appropriate.  Furthermore, the former names contained in these documents and located at 44/-31A (line 10), 45/-33A (line 10), 45/-34A (line 3), 46/-35A (line 10), 47/-37A (line 10) and 47/-38A (line 3) may be redacted in accordance with the principle set forth in paragraph 36, above.


            46.  It is found that 57/-47A and 62/-49A constitute administrative memorandum concerning staff changes.


            47.  It is also found that the documents identified in paragraph 46, above, also contain some personal medical information and evaluation of teacher performance at the last 5 words of line 7, second paragraph, as well as lines 8 and 9, second paragraph, which information may be redacted in accordance with 1-19(b)(2), G.S. and 10-151c, G.S. respectively.


            48.  With respect to document #63/-51A, it is also found that lines 14 and 15 contain the name and identity of a private person not paid with public funds, which, accordingly, may be redacted.


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            49.  It is found that with respect to the respondents' other claims for exemption based upon the third-party private identity of those individuals, the respondents failed to show that those individuals were neither public officials nor recipients of public funds.  Accordingly, such claims are rejected by this Commission.


            50.  It is found that document 33/-25A does not constitute a teacher performance or evaluation record and therefore is not exempt from disclosure pursuant to 10-151c, G.S.


            51.  It is further found that any potential claims to a privacy interest in Vaughn Index record #13 were waived by the respondents when such was provided to the complainant.


            The following order by the Commission is hereby recommended on the basis of the record concerning the above-captioned complaint.


            1.  The respondents shall forthwith provide the complainants with access to the records at issue described

herein at paragraphs 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, and 5g and 29, above.


            2.  The respondents may mask or redact the portions of the requested records that have been found to be exempt from disclosure herein at paragraphs 24, 26, 32, 34, 45, 47, and 48, above.


Approved by order of the Freedom of Information Commission at its regular meeting of January 10, 1990.



                                    Tina C. Frappier

                                    Acting Clerk of the Commission


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260 Maple Road

Easton, CT 06612



c/o Jay E. Bovilsky, Esquire

Cummings & Lockwood


Hartford, CT 06103





c/o William J. Dolan, Esquire

31 School Street

East Hartford, CT 06103



                                    Tina C. Frappier

                                    Acting Clerk of the Commission