TO:                  Freedom of Information Commission


FROM:            Thomas A. Hennick


RE:                  Minutes of the Commission’s regular meeting of November 12, 2008


            A regular meeting of the Freedom of Information Commission was held on November 12, 2008, in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut. The meeting convened at 2:23 p.m. with the following Commissioners present:


             Commissioner Andrew J. O’Keefe, presiding

             Commissioner Sherman D. London

             Commissioner Vincent M. Russo

             Commissioner Dennis O’Connor

             Commissioner Norma E. Riess (participated via speakerphone)



            Also present were staff members, Colleen M. Murphy, Eric V. Turner, Mary E. Schwind, Victor R. Perpetua, Clifton A. Leonhardt, Tracie C. Brown, Kathleen K. Ross, Lisa F. Siegel, Henry Pawlowski, Paula Pearlman, Cindy Cannata and Thomas A. Hennick.



            Those in attendance were informed that the Commission does not ordinarily

record the remarks made at its meetings, but will do so on request.


            The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the minutes of the Commission’s regular meeting of October 22, 2008.



Docket #FIC 2007-658           Luis Salaman v. Francisco Ortiz, Chief, Police

                                                Department, City of New Haven; Sergeant Roger Young,

                                                Police Department, City of New Haven; and Police

                                                Department, City of New Haven


              Luis Salaman participated via speakerphone. Attorney Kathleen Foster appeared on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to accept a motion to intervene by Assistant Attorney General Steven Strom. The Commissioners voted, 4-0, to amend the Hearing Officer’s Report. The Commissioners voted, 4-0, to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report as amended.* The proceedings were recorded digitally. Commissioner Riess did not vote on this matter.



Minutes, Regular Meeting, November 12, 2008

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Docket #FIC 2008-057           Luis Salaman v. Chief, Police Department, City of New Haven; and Police Department, City of New Haven


              Luis Salaman participated via speakerphone. Attorney Kathleen Foster appeared on

behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to accept a motion to

intervene by Assistant Attorney General Steven Strom. The Commissioners voted, 4-0, to

amend the Hearing Officer’s Report. The Commissioners voted, 4-0, to adopt the Hearing

Officer’s Report as amended.* The proceedings were recorded digitally. Commissioner Riess

did not vote on this matter.




Docket #FIC 2007-671           Nyron Dumas v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety, Division of Scientific Services, Forensic Science Laboratory; State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety, Division of Scientific Services, Forensic Science Laboratory; Chief, Police Department, City of Bridgeport; and Police Department, City of Bridgeport



              Nyron Dumas participated via speakerphone. Assistant Attorney General Henri

Alexandre appeared on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to

adopt the Hearing Officer’s report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.



Docket #FIC 2008-010           Nyron Dumas v. Chief, Police Department, City of West Haven; and Police Department, City of West Haven


              Nyron Dumas participated via speakerphone. The Commissioners unanimously voted

to adopt the Hearing Officer’s report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.



Docket #FIC 2008-120           Nyron Dumas v. Chief, Police Department, City of West Haven; and Police Department, City of West Haven


             Nyron Dumas participated via speakerphone. The Commissioners unanimously voted

to adopt the Hearing Officer’s report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.



Minutes, Regular Meeting, November 12, 2008

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Docket #FIC 2007-659           Patria Gonzalez v. Freedom of Information Administrator,

                                                State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State

                                                of Connecticut, Department of Correction


             The Commissioners unanimously voted to table the matter pending a thorough search for records by the respondents, said search to be completed by November 24, 2008. The proceedings were recorded digitally.



Docket #FIC 2007-668           Bradshaw Smith v. Donald S. Trinks, as Member, Town Council, Town of Windsor; and Town Council, Town of Windsor


             Bradshaw Smith appeared on his own behalf. Attorney Vincent Oswecki appeared on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.



Docket #FIC 2007-696           Michael O. Peterson v. Michael Hallahan, Member, Audit

                                                Subcommittee, Board of Finance, Town of North Haven;

                                                Audit Subcommittee, Board of Finance, Town of North

                                                Haven; and Gerald Feinberg, Member, Board of Finance,

                                                Town of North Haven


               Attorney Christopher Duby appeared on behalf of the respondents. The

Commissioners voted, 4-0, to amend the Hearing Officer’s Report. The Commissioners voted,

4-0, to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report as amended.* The proceedings were recorded

digitally. Commissioner Riess did not vote on this matter.



Docket #FIC 2008-031           Kevin Brookman v. Board of Directors, Hartford Public Access Television


             The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report.


Minutes, Regular Meeting, November 12, 2008

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Docket #FIC 2008-162           Rick Guinness and the New Britain Herald v. Fire and Police Pension Trustees, City of New Britain



             Rick Guiness and Marc Levy appeared on behalf of the complainants. Attorney Joseph Skelly appeared on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report.



 Docket #FIC 2008-164          Rick Guinness and the New Britain Herald v. Board of Finance, City of New Britain


            Rick Guiness and Marc Levy appeared on behalf of the complainants. Attorney Joseph Skelly appeared on behalf of the respondent. The Commissioners unanimously voted to table the matter.



Docket #FIC 2008-172           Rick Guinness and the New Britain Herald v. Mayor’s

                                              Downtown Steering Committee, City of New Britain


              Rick Guiness and Marc Levy appeared on behalf of the complainants. Attorney

Joseph Skelly appeared on behalf of the respondent. The Commissioners unanimously voted

to table the matter.



Docket #FIC 2008-353           Regina Lane v. Town Council, Town of Plymouth; and Housing Authority, Town of Plymouth


             The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report.



Docket #FIC 2008-501           Regina Lane v. Housing Authority, Town of Plymouth


             The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report.



Docket #FIC 2008-502           Regina Lane v. Housing Authority, Town of Plymouth


           The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report.




Minutes, Regular Meeting, November 12, 2008

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Docket #FIC 2008-385           Rick Morneau v. Chairman, State of Connecticut, State Marshal

                                              Commission; and State of Connecticut, State Marshal



            The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report.



Docket #FIC 2008-426           Lauren Garrison and the New Haven Register v. Search Committee, Town of Seymour


             The Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Hearing Officer’s Report.



Docket #FIC 2008-497           John Williams v. Barbara Putnam, Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission, Town of Litchfield; William Burgess, Vice Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission, Town of Litchfield; Matthew Speck, Zoning Enforcement Officer, Town of Litchfield; and Planning & Zoning Commission, Town of Litchfield


             Attorney David Sherwood and John Williams appeared on behalf of the complainant.

Attorney Steven Byrne appeared on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners voted to

table the matter.



             The Commissioners voted, 4-0, to appeal the New Britain Superior Court

Memorandum of Decision in Commissioner, Dept. of Correction, Harry Soucy, Steven Petracca, Local 387 AFSCME Council 4 v. Freedom of Information Commission and David P. Taylor; and Theresa Lantz, Commissioner Department of Correction v. Freedom of Information Commission and David P. Taylor dated November 3, 2008. Commissioner Riess did not vote on this matter.



             Colleen Murphy reported on legislation.


              The meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m.



                                    Thomas A. Hennick


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Docket #FIC 2007-658           Louis Salaman v. Francisco Ortiz, Chief, Police

                                                Department, City of New Haven; Sergeant Roger Young,

                                                Police Department, City of New Haven; and Police

                                                Department, City of New Haven



   The order in the Hearing Officer’s Report is amended as follows:


1.      The respondents shall [provide] MAIL a paper copy of the records described

in paragraphs 8 and 11, of the findings, above, [directly] to the complainant, AT HIS





Docket #FIC 2008-057           Luis Salaman v. Chief, Police Department, City of New Haven; and Police Department, City of New Haven




            The order in the Hearing Officer’s Report is amended as follows:


1.      The respondents shall [provide] MAIL a copy of the training bulletin 46-26, a paper copy of all photos, and a copy of form JD-CR-18 related to case #03-44764 described in paragraphs 3a, 3c, 3f, and 3g, of the findings, above, [directly] to the complainant, AT HIS PLACE OF INCARCERATION, free of charge.




 Docket #FIC 2007-696          Michael O. Peterson v. Michael Hallahan, Member, Audit

                                                Subcommittee, Board of Finance, Town of North Haven;

                                                Audit Subcommittee, Board of Finance, Town of North

                                                Haven; and Gerald Feinberg, Member, Board of Finance,

                                                Town of North Haven


               The order in the Hearing Officer’s Report is amended as follows:

1.   Forthwith, the [respondents] BOARD OF FINANCE shall create and make available minutes of [their] THE November 20, 2007 meeting.